
The bottle-opener "Funny man".
Flasche-Öffner "Der Lustiger Mann".
Bowls ...
Schalen ....
Curtainpoles ...
Gardinenstangen ...
A paper-holder equipped with ball-bearings. One may say, it rotates easily with those bearings. 10m of paper spins of in a blink...

Well, my idea from the beginning was to make it a bit annoying.

A tool and some hooks ...
Hook with coat hanger ...
The making of a candlestick

I found this 6mm nicely rusted sheet on my favourite scrapyard some time ago.
I like sailing and the plan is to make a candlestick with sailing theme.

I draw the chalk lines on the sheet and next step is to cut the outline with an axe.
Many hours later this fellow appears.
Now it’s going late again . . . Well, finally I got it (almost) ready.
It’s still without a front foot, have to support it with a coin on these photos.

An oil-lamp in sterling silver
This is my oil-lamp, an experimnt with silver-smithing. Quite different workning with silver, much smaller objects and needs only a slight heat now and then to keep the silver workable. (With silver all smithing is done at room temperature).
The filling-up procedure ...
... and going
The firebird phoenix
keeps the fire under control
The firebird phoenix keeps the fire extinguisher in the smithy. (Still without his wings though).

Well, such a tiny fire extinguisher won't put out a fire in the smithy but phoenix will survive and rise from the ashes, heh...

I've been experimenting with different ways of folding iron and came up with this candlestick. Different smithing and a bit odd result. In total two and a half meter of bar that is shrinked to about 40cm. The upper thinner part is made of spring steel and the rest from mild steel. They are joined with a weld at top of the folded part.
Slingshot made of a scrapped sledge hammer head. Perhaps it feels a bit heavy but at least it doesn't break that easy as the wooden ones.
In the age of apps I just want to point out that this brick game works completely without batteries (and never hangs, claims for updates, additional payment...). Just needs some oil now and then.